Supporting single fathers, their children and families.
‘No child should be left out after divorce, separation or bereavement.’
‘I established Dads House to help single dads with the practicalities of raising their children alone. We remain true to that vision’
- William McGranaghan, Dads House Founder
Our Services
Family Law Clinic
Dad's House runs pro bono family law clinics on Wednesdays and Fridays. A fully functioning law practice, Simon Bruce is our legal director and a partner at Dawson Cornwell. He is one of the best family law solicitors in the country.
We also have Veryan Exelby, who is Senior Counsel (Farrer & Co) and William Hogg (Laurus Law). We work alongside our partners Coram Chambers, who provide pro bono representation.
Not to mention the most amazing team of law students who learn so much from the professional support from our team including barrister Simon Miller.
Food Bank
Dads House has been running Foodbanks for over 10 years. We are very lucky to have a great partnership with Delancey and Earls Court Development, who provided us with premises in Lille Road, Fulham, SW6 1TS. Anyone supporting a family is welcome. The Foodbank is open Monday to Friday 10am to 1pm.
We are very grateful to our supporters, who help provide food for thousands of families.

“Through ‘Dads House’ you are bringing together dads to share their experiences and receive practical and emotional support. Drawing on your own experience, you are connecting single fathers across the country and having a profound impact on their lives and the lives of their families.”
— Rt Hon Theresa May MP
It’s ok to ask for help
Dads Table
Dads House runs a regular support meeting for Dads to get together and talk about their experiences, struggles and help other dads take away their isolation and loneliness when going through family breakdown or bereavement.
Guitar lessons
We offer guitars lessons every Tuesday from 5pm to 6.30pm
Dadshouse five-a-side takes place every Monday evening from 7pm till 8 pm and Thursday evenings 6pm till 7pm.
Health and well-being
We offer yoga classes with yoga instructor Kevin Lane every Saturday morning from 9am to 1030 am.
Drug and Alcohol Testing
Since the formation of Dads House, William McGranaghan has provided a drug and alcohol testing service in partnership with Cansford Laboratories.
The testing is available to all as part of Dads House mission to help families. This service has recently expanded to also include blood testing. The testing happens in a social setting giving fathers the opportunity to discuss their concerns and seek referral to the Law Clinic as needed. Many fathers need these testing services in order to resolve visiting and spousal arrangements.
Our current community foodbank is at 22 Lillie Road, London SW6 1TS, near to West Brompton Tube Station, open Monday – Friday, 10-1 pm. The foodbank serves the whole community – we have mums, dads, families, old people and young people, from every walk of life.
Founder of Dad’s House Foodbank, Billy McGranaghan, explains the desperate need for food banks as people in Britain continue to suffer through the cost of living crisis, family breakdown and the support offered to single dads when facing isolation and loneliness.
Dads House Cost of Living crisis.
Nick, a single dad with 3 children, explains how ordinary people are making it through the record high levels of inflation that have some grocery items costing 40% more than they did last year.
The UK’s demand for food banks has doubled compared to 5 years ago,
Dads House is trying to raise £100,000 to continue to offer practical support to our dads and families that come along to our office in West Brompton London please donate if you can.
Get involved
Our supporters are at the very heart of who we are and what we do. Honouring and building this relationship remains our priority.
Our volunteers are the lifeblood of our charity.
Around 95% of Dads House team are volunteers. All of our dedicated volunteers raise awareness, give advice and help in our foodbank, breakfast clubs and other Dads House activities.
Founder of @dadshouseuk Billy McGranaghan joins Alastair Stewart to discuss the charity.
Dads House on BBC 1 One Show
Simon Bruce on Sky News talking to Kay Burley on no fault divorce.
Simon is Dad's House Pro Bono family law Director and Partner in leading family law Dawson Cornwall
Our Partners
Our Awards
Hammersmith & Fulham 2024 Civic Honours - Lifetime Achievement Honours
William McGranaghan was honoured for his work supporting single dads and his commitment to ensuring children remain the priority after divorce, separation, or bereavement.
West London Business Chambers award 2024
Fulham Business Awards 2024 - Special Recognition award