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Debunking Myths about Equal Shared Parenting - Don Hubin
2023May 7
Equal shared parenting is clearly on the rise as more and more separating parents recognize the importance to their children of keeping both parents fully engaged. Still, courts and legislatures are dragging their feet on instituting laws and policies that will promote children's best interests by ensuring that parental separation doesn't lead to parental deprivation. One reason for this is some commonly accepted claims about shared parenting that turn out not to be true. In this webinar, Dr. Don Hubin examines and debunks the myths that are used to oppose presumptions of equal shared parenting. Donald C. Hubin, Ph.D., is a Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at The Ohio State University, former Chair of the OSU Department of Philosophy, and Founding Director Emeritus of the Ohio State University Center for Ethics and Human Values. He received his B.A. with honors from the University of California, Davis, and his M.A. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Arizona. He specializes in ethics, social/political philosophy and philosophy of law. One of Don’s main areas of current research is the nature, basis and implications of parental rights. In this area, his major articles are: ● “Parental Rights and Due Process,” The Journal of Law and Family Studies, 1:2(1999)123–150; ● “Daddy Dilemmas: Untangling the Puzzles of Paternity,” The Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy, 13(2003) 29-80; ● “Fatherhood,” International Encyclopedia of Ethics, Wiley- Blackwell, (2013); and ● “Fractured Fatherhood,” Journal of Family Theory & Review, 6(2014)76-90. ● “Procreators' Duties: Sexual Asymmetries,” Oxford Handbook of Reproductive Ethics, (2017) 301-324. Don has been active in citizen action groups to promote shared parenting and has also served on several state commissions, including the Ohio Child Support Reform Shareholders’ Group (2001– 2003) and the Ohio Child Support Guideline Council (2003–2005). He currently serves as Chair of the National Board of National Parents Organization (NPO). #debunkingmythsaboutequalsharedparenting #drdonhubin #familyaccessfightingforchildrensrights #familiesdividedtvyoutubechannel

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