
Children Custody Laws Help Pay Gap and Stand in a Way of Gender Equity at Work Place

Children Custody Laws Help Pay Gap and Stand in a Way of Gender Equity at Work Place.

Ned HOLSTEIN, a physician and the founder of the National Parents Organization (NPO) says that with the image of mother as primary caregiver changing and with more fathers take on active roles in child-raising, shared parenting laws more accurately reflect the cultural shift toward gender equality. He believes that there will never be equality at work unless there is equality at home and family law.

Empirical psychological studies confirm that shared parenting results in better outcomes for children.

Psychologists found that children who spent close to equal time with both parents after separation had the same level psychological complaints as those in nuclear families; both had lower levels than those living with only one parent. 110 professionals and experts in the field came to the consensus that it’s beneficial for children under the age of 4 to spend equal time living with both parents.

It is not a surprise the group of opponents of Shared Parenting include family lawyers and bar associations, who are trying preserve sole custody because the lengthy and lucrative court battles.

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