
We need your help!

Lët'z Make Résidence Alternée THE DEFAULT LAW in Luxembourg

FAD – Fathers Against Discrimination a.s.b.l. “Both Parents for All Children” is a non-profit organization established and based in Luxembourg with offices at 29, Boulevard Prince Henri, L-1724 Luxembourg, registered with Luxembourg Business Registers under R.C.S.: F12482 and governed by the Law of 21 April 1928 on Non-Profit Organizations and Foundations.

Our association has been created as a platform of dialogue to promote equal opportunities for both parents, to care for their children and to ensure their well-being. We are convinced that a child should never be deprived of its natural human right to family life and equal access to both parents.

Our goal is to bring attention to the outdated Luxembourg Family Law and violation of the natural rights of Luxembourg children during divorce and custody proceedings. More information on this page or by clicking HERE.

Please help us, support our cause financially and donate using the above “Donate” button (PayPal or credit card) or by transferring your donation to the following bank account. The below forms of payment can be also used for the FAD™ Membership subscription:
IBAN: LU140030541274480000

BGL BNP Paribas
50, avenue John Fitzgerald Kennedy
L-2951 Luxembourg

Our association do not carry out any industrial or commercial operations. We do not procure any monetary benefits to its members and our foundation is a subject to compliance with all applicable laws, statutes and regulations of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. All funds received and collected from our supporters are used for our campaign, media presence, marketing materials, website administration, protests and manifestations in Luxembourg as well as other activities supporting our cause to recognise Council of Europe Resolution 2079 (2015) initiated in 2015 by Luxembourg politician Ms. Françoise HETTO-GAASCH  with a view to make Equal Shared Parenting – Alternating Residence (Résidence Alternée) after parents’ separation THE DEFAULT LAW and a starting point for children custody proceedings in Luxembourg. Equal Shared Parenting, an egalitarian model as standard with exceptions decided by the court.

All in the best interest of Luxembourg children, to protect children’s natural right to equal access to both parents, assure their emotional stability and remove possibility for either parent to use children as an instrument of blackmail against the other parent. Behaviour that in severe cases can lead to Parental Alienation (PA) and a drastic emotional abuse of children.

Thank you in advance for your support.

FAD – Fathers Against Discrimination a.s.b.l.
“Both Parents for All Children”
29, Boulevard Prince Henri
L-1724 Luxembourg

T: +352 20 33 1211

Our Team

President: Patryk P. RYBIŃSKI
vice-President: Christophe B. DELOGNE
vice-President: Juan ELOSEGUI
Secretary (Luxembourg): Jean ALLARD
Administrative Officer: Bertrand KPANOU
Translators LU: Radu PANTEA & Payam BALAZADEH
Translator FR: Fabien MANONVILLER
Translator PT: Manuel MADUREIRA
Web Developer / Photographer: Adrian KRAWCZYK
External Legal Advisory: 2 Law Firms (Luxembourg) 1 Law Firm (International)

Lët’z Make Equal Shared Parenting – ”Résidence Alternée” THE DEFAULT LAW in Luxembourg.

Council of Europe Resolution – CE Resolution 2079/15.

Courage, Strength & Love.

For Jeremi & Oliwier and All the Children finding courage, strength and love when dealing with separation and divorce of their parents.


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