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Xavier BETTEL, Luxembourg Prime Minister. Born 3 March 1973. A Luxembourg politician who has been Prime Minister of Luxembourg since 2013. He has previously served as Mayor of Luxembourg City, and was also a Member of the Chamber of Deputies. BETTEL is a member of the Democratic Party. Following the 2018 Luxembourg general election he became the first openly gay Prime Minister in the world to be re-elected for a second term.

FAD – Fathers Against Discrimination asbl
“Both Parents for All Children”
29, Boulevard Prince Henri
L-1724 Luxembourg

21 August 2020 Luxembourg

Conseiller de Gouvernement 1ere classe

L’honorable Xavier BETTEL
Premier ministre, ministre d’État
4, rue de la Congrégation
L-1352 Luxembourg


Thank you for taking the time to reply on behalf of the Prime Minister BETTEL to our letter dated 27 June 2020.

We are glad that our correspondence has reached Prime Minister BETTEL and we are happy to learn that our concern – Equal Shared Parenting (Résidence Alternée) – has been largely explained and that we have sufficiently presented arguments why Luxembourg family courts should be deciding in favor of this model of family life after divorce.

Speaking on behalf of Luxembourg parents and grandparents we sincerely hope that the Prime Minister shares our views that Luxembourg children not only deserve but also bear natural right to equal access to both parents after their separation.

As in the past when Prime Minister took an active role in legalizing same sex marriages and adoption of children by homosexual partners we would like to ask the Prime Minister BETTEL to launch government initiative advocating the importance of both parents presence in children’s lives.

All this to reach the objective for Résidence Alternée model to become default law and a starting point for all children custody proceedings in Luxembourg. In the name of gender equality with an aim to stop continuous violation of children’s rights in Luxembourg family courts and gender-parental discrimination of fathers in Luxembourg institutions.

In light of the above and as proposed numerous times in our previous correspondences we remain available for a meeting to discuss ideas and necessary steps to move forward with what it should be a joined initiative lead by the current government.

Luxembourg can set example for the rest of Europe and reach TRUE gender equality of chance not only in the labour market but also in private life as there will never be equality in work place unless there is equality at home and equality of treatment of parents regardless of their gender.

We will wait for your proposal regarding the date and we will adjust our schedule to yours.

Most respectfully,

with Board Members of the Association and Members
FAD – Fathers Against Discrimination asbl
“Both Parents for All Children”

Lët’z Make Equal Shared Parenting – ”Résidence Alternée” THE DEFAULT LAW in Luxembourg.

Council of Europe Resolution – CE Resolution 2079/15.

Courage, Strength & Love.

For Jeremi & Oliwier and All the Children finding courage, strength and love when dealing with separation and divorce of their parents.


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