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Paris city authorities have been fined for employing too many women in senior positions. The fine of €90,000 was demanded by France’s public service ministry on the grounds that Paris city hall had broken national rules on gender parity in its 2018 staffing. Hidalgo said she was faulted because 11 women and only five men were named to management positions in city hall in 2018, meaning that 69 percent of the appointments went to women.

“The management of the city hall has, all of a sudden, become far too feminist,” laughed the Socialist, who was re-elected for a new term at the helm of Paris last year.

HIDALGO stated: “This fine is obviously absurd, unfair, irresponsible and dangerous”, adding that women in France should be promoted with “vigour because the lag everywhere in France is still very great”.

“Yes, to one day achieve parity, we must speed up the tempo and ensure that more women are appointed than men,” she said.

Paris Mayor Anne HIDALGO can hire 16 female employees for 16 positions available as long these individuals are most competent for the posts they are to be appointed for. Judging by HIDALGO’s statement I dare to doubt this is the case.

Lët’z Make Equal Shared Parenting – ”Résidence Alternée” THE DEFAULT LAW in Luxembourg.

Council of Europe Resolution – CE Resolution 2079/15.

Courage, Strength & Love.

For Jeremi & Oliwier and All the Children finding courage, strength and love when dealing with separation and divorce of their parents.


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